What is Self-Care?

S E L F · C A R E / / the activities, practices, and habits you engage in on a regular
basis to reduce stress and enhance your well-being

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Why do I need Self-Care?

Self-care is essential for reducing stress, overwhelm, and
burnout. Burnout = a product of continual daily stress.

First things first

Self-care is essential for reducing stress, overwhelm, and
burnout. Burnout = a product of continual daily stress.
This can be stress from having too much on your plate, or it can happen when you feel forced to put energy into work that doesn’t fulfill you.
Many of us feel completely burned out from our jobs and the
responsibilities that come with being an adult (oh, so fun). Even if you’re self-employed or doing work you enjoy, you can still burn yourself out.

Best ways to regulate your Cortisol naturally

Dealing with the daily stresses of modern life is not easy. Unfortunately, chronic stress can lead to many health problems related to high cortisol levels that go hand in hand with stress. For that reason, we all need to learn how to reduce cortisol levels naturally, find balance, and avoid some scary health problems. Our…

Inner Bloom- The Women’s Wealth & Wellbeing Academy With Master Resell Rights

Inner Bloom- The Women’s Wealth & Wellbeing Academy With Master Resell Rights

I’m thrilled to introduce you to Inner Bloom – The Women’s Wealth & Wellbeing Academy, a unique space crafted with the vision of supporting women like you, not just in achieving financial freedom but in enhancing overall wellbeing. Inner Bloom is a Wealth & Well-being Academy with a Digital Marketing element. The main focus of this…

Benefits of Drinking your Greens

Benefits of Drinking your Greens

Green drinks, packed with leafy greens, fruits, and sometimes other nutrient-rich ingredients, have become a popular health trend. But what exactly do they offer? Let’s dive into the top 10 benefits of incorporating these vibrant beverages into your daily routine. 1. Nutrient Powerhouse Green drinks are packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants essential for optimal…


What does Self-Care Look like?

On a smaller, daily basis, self-care involves the daily habits and activities you practice for your mental, physical, and spiritual health.
Your physical, mental, and spiritual health are deeply connected and work together to create harmony or discontent in your life.
To keep these areas balanced on a regular basis, you can focus on doing these types of things daily:


Mental/intellectual self-care is about cultivating a healthy mindset through mindfulness. Mental self-care is important for developing a healthy mindset, growing your skills, reducing stress, and enhancing your knowledge and creativity. I love online therapy for this one because staying at my oasis at home is key…sign up here


Something that helps you connect to your soul or the world around you (e.g. creative projects, listening to a
podcast, community service)


Something that nourishes your body. I love rebounding and it is great for fitness but even more for my lymphatic Drainage…Grab yours here


I am 100% non medicated and am thankful for the natural remedies I have found to keeps my hormones balanced and keep me healthy…I love this sunshine in a cup…grab yours here


I have always been a planner girl but I have in the last five years I have really fallen in love with tracking and created a bundle to help with that….grab it here .

I am so glad you are here and would love to invite you to my wellness community

We share daily wins, recipes, workouts, giveaways, products and all the wellness and wealth things in one sport…Join here

“Saltwater Wellness has helped me lower my cortisol and take my joy Back”

Kelly Mainer

Last but not least thanks for being here