Fight, Flight, Freeze: Outsmarting Your Primal Response
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Fight, Flight, Freeze: Outsmarting Your Primal Response

Our bodies are amazing machines, wired with a built-in survival mechanism known as the fight-or-flight response. When faced with a perceived threat, this system kicks in, flooding us with adrenaline and preparing us to either confront the danger (fight) or flee the scene (flight). But what happens when this primal response gets stuck on “on”?…

Why I started Personal Therapy

Why I started Personal Therapy

We all go through challenges in life. Sometimes, these challenges feel overwhelming, leaving us stuck and unsure how to move forward. Therapy, often referred to as “talk therapy” or “counseling,” can be a powerful tool for navigating life’s complexities and reaching your full potential. Here are some reasons why you might consider starting personal therapy:…

15 ADHD Hacks to Boost Focus and Productivity
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15 ADHD Hacks to Boost Focus and Productivity

Living with ADHD can feel like navigating a constant mental rollercoaster. Tasks that seem simple to others can morph into overwhelming marathons for you. But fear not, fellow traveler! Here are 15 ADHD hacks to equip you for a smoother ride: Tame the Task Monster: Harness the Power of Reminders: Create an ADHD-Friendly Environment: Embrace…

CBD & Its Health Benefits

CBD & Its Health Benefits

CBD products are popping up across the internet and wellness world, as clinical studies suggest this special plant-based compound can effectively ease ailments like anxiety and chronic pain. We get a lot of questions about the benefits and safety of CBD, so let’s get to it! 😉 what is cbd? CBD stands for cannabidiol—a naturally…

7 Steps to improve Mental Health in Winter

7 Steps to improve Mental Health in Winter

Oh the weather outside is frightful… and it’s getting even less delightful. 🌨 For people living in colder, wintery climates, the short days of winter can feel like they’re dragging on and on. Especially in January and February, the cold weather and lack of sunlight can start to take a toll on the body—both physically…