Hey I’m Rach!

I love helping ladies 30 & older get their groove back & create lives they dont need a vacay from. Whether you’re looking to start a wealth & wellness biz, learn the most fullfilling selfcare or lower your cortisol…I got you. Lets dive in 🙂

I’m so glad you are here sis

What will you find here at saltwater moon?

We share a little of everything + resources on all of these areas— so we can have more time to do the things we love in life!

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The Words Mental Health on Laptop Screen

Fight, Flight, Freeze: Outsmarting Your Primal Response

Our bodies are amazing machines, wired with a built-in survival mechanism known as the fight-or-flight response. When faced with a perceived threat, this system kicks in, flooding us with adrenaline and preparing us to either confront the danger (fight) or flee the scene (flight). But what happens when this primal response gets stuck on “on”?…

woman in black shirt sitting on chair

Why I started Personal Therapy

We all go through challenges in life. Sometimes, these challenges feel overwhelming, leaving us stuck and unsure how to move forward. Therapy, often referred to as “talk therapy” or “counseling,” can be a powerful tool for navigating life’s complexities and reaching your full potential. Here are some reasons why you might consider starting personal therapy:…

adhd mind symbol

15 ADHD Hacks to Boost Focus and Productivity

Living with ADHD can feel like navigating a constant mental rollercoaster. Tasks that seem simple to others can morph into overwhelming marathons for you. But fear not, fellow traveler! Here are 15 ADHD hacks to equip you for a smoother ride: Tame the Task Monster: Harness the Power of Reminders: Create an ADHD-Friendly Environment: Embrace…

I’m here to help you live your healthiest, happiest life

Whether that’s feeling confident in your body, increasing your energy, finding more balance and fun in your life …or all of the above! 🙂

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