How to Create a Welcome Automation for Your New Email Subscribers

How to Create a Welcome Automation for Your New Email Subscribers

One of the most important features of your health coaching website, particularly if you’re a new wellness coach just starting your business, is to grow an email list of interested subscribers—people you can maintain contact with to build relationships and rapport and promote your wellness business (and/or other passive income wellness products!) down the road….

Ask a Web Designer: Blogging, SEO & Email Marketing FAQs #1

Ask a Web Designer: Blogging, SEO & Email Marketing FAQs #1

Hey there! I’ll be sharing a new series called Ask a Web Designer—all the online business questions I get asked (on repeat 😄) by web design clients and blog readers. While I’m happy to respond to questions individually as I can, I figure some of these answers are probably of interest to others, too! Here’s…

The Best Ways to Market Your Health & Wellness BIZ
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The Best Ways to Market Your Health & Wellness BIZ

In my experience, the same traits that make health coaches great at health coaching (empathy, desire to help others) also make us not-so-great at marketing and self-promotion. 😅 Having to say “Hey, this is who I am, this is what I do, and this is how I can help you” felt awkward and imposing, and…

What is Manual Lymphatic Drainage?
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What is Manual Lymphatic Drainage?

This is a topic we will continue to explore, along with lifestyle suggestions and habits you can incorporate into your daily routine to support your lymphatic system and overall health.  Learning about the lymphatic system can be a bit daunting, so we’ll break it down into digestible bites as we paint the full picture of…