Fight, Flight, Freeze: Outsmarting Your Primal Response
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Fight, Flight, Freeze: Outsmarting Your Primal Response

Our bodies are amazing machines, wired with a built-in survival mechanism known as the fight-or-flight response. When faced with a perceived threat, this system kicks in, flooding us with adrenaline and preparing us to either confront the danger (fight) or flee the scene (flight). But what happens when this primal response gets stuck on “on”?…

15 ADHD Hacks to Boost Focus and Productivity
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15 ADHD Hacks to Boost Focus and Productivity

Living with ADHD can feel like navigating a constant mental rollercoaster. Tasks that seem simple to others can morph into overwhelming marathons for you. But fear not, fellow traveler! Here are 15 ADHD hacks to equip you for a smoother ride: Tame the Task Monster: Harness the Power of Reminders: Create an ADHD-Friendly Environment: Embrace…

The Best Ways to Market Your Health & Wellness BIZ
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The Best Ways to Market Your Health & Wellness BIZ

In my experience, the same traits that make health coaches great at health coaching (empathy, desire to help others) also make us not-so-great at marketing and self-promotion. 😅 Having to say “Hey, this is who I am, this is what I do, and this is how I can help you” felt awkward and imposing, and…

What is Manual Lymphatic Drainage?
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What is Manual Lymphatic Drainage?

This is a topic we will continue to explore, along with lifestyle suggestions and habits you can incorporate into your daily routine to support your lymphatic system and overall health.  Learning about the lymphatic system can be a bit daunting, so we’ll break it down into digestible bites as we paint the full picture of…

How to Monetize Your WordPress Blog
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How to Monetize Your WordPress Blog

Blogging is one of the very best methods of growing website traffic and boosting SEO for your small business website! Most of my WordPress web design clients are just that—small business owners whom I coerce into starting a blog so they can improve their website’s performance and ultimately grow income for their products and services.😉…